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Callous Rhenium Hauberk

Tradeskill : Armorsmith

Difficulty : 370 375 377 380

Callous Rhenium Hauberk

Armorsmith (370)

Karthite Bar (6)
Rhenium Bar (6)
Striped Leather (7)
Adamant Grinding Stone (5)
Active Flux (7)

Dropped by: Partially Devoured Abomination
Zone: Archive of Flesh (Standard)
Drop rate: 20%
Dropped by: Unshaped Mass
Zone: Archive of Flesh (Standard)
Drop rate: 8%
Merchant: Burt the Blunt
Zone: Meridian
Merchant: Sieghannes
Zone: Sanctum
Price: 4
Credits: 450


Callous Rhenium Hauberk

Bind on equip Chest Chain
Armor: 2739 Intelligence +52 Wisdom +72 Endurance +55 Hit +25 Spell Critical Hit +61
Item Level 190 Requires Level 57 Calling: Warrior Cleric Runebreakable (Runecrafter 301)
3 11 8
Recipe: Callous Rhenium Hauberk
Tradeskill: Armorsmith (370)

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