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Furious Truehide Cap

Tradeskill : Outfitter

Difficulty : 370 375 377 380

Furious Truehide Cap

Outfitter (370)

Truehide Leather (7)
Striped Leather (6)
Dense Leather (6)
Vitreous Oil (6)
Strong Thread (6)

Dropped by: Tormented Being
Zone: Empyrean Core (Standard)
Drop rate: 1%
Merchant: Mongal Ultan
Zone: Meridian
Merchant: Gentri
Zone: Sanctum
Price: 4
Credits: 450


Furious Truehide Cap

Bind on equip Helmet Leather
Armor: 1954 Strength +45 Dexterity +63 Endurance +48 Attack Power +25 Hit +25
Item Level 190 Requires Level 57 Calling: Warrior Cleric Rogue Runebreakable (Runecrafter 301)
3 9 38
Recipe: Furious Truehide Cap
Tradeskill: Outfitter (370)

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