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Atramentium Axe

Tradeskill : Weaponsmith

Difficulty : 460 470 480 490

Atramentium Axe

Weaponsmith (460)

Atramentium Bar (16)
Faecap Resin (8)
Carbide Grinding Stone (1)
Blackthorn Varnish (1)

Taught by: Brava Batalanto
Zone: Tempest Bay
Taught by: Cerulean Steel
Zone: Draumheim

Atramentium Axe

Bind on equip One Hand Axe
Damage per second: 1280.6 2151-3996 damage every 2.4 sec
Strength +743 Dexterity +589 Endurance +488 Hit +175
Item Level 1550 Requires Level 66 Calling: Warrior Rogue Runebreakable (Runecrafter 451)
58 49
Recipe: Atramentium Axe
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (460)

51 - 60 (1)60+ (1)

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