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Ornate Peridot Amulet

Tradeskill : Artificer

Difficulty : 300 301 302 305

Ornate Peridot Amulet

Artificer (300)

Cinerium Bar (4)
Jagged Lightstone (2)
Imbued Leather (2)
Superior Polishing Agent (2)
Eternal Planar Dust (1)
Minor Catalyst (1)

Dropped by: Frozen Riptide
Zone: Abyssal Precipice (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: <1%
Dropped by: Deadwater Siren
Zone: Abyssal Precipice (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: <1%


Ornate Peridot Amulet

Bind on equip Neck Accessory
Dexterity +31 Endurance +18 Attack Power +9 Hit +13 Resist All +72
Item Level 73 Requires Level 50 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 226)
30 15
Recipe: Ornate Peridot Amulet
Tradeskill: Artificer (300)

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