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Refined Thalcrystal Amulet

Tradeskill : Artificer

Difficulty : 450 453 454 455

Refined Thalcrystal Amulet

Artificer (450)

Thalasite Bar (16)
Thalasite Crystal (7)
Anhydrous Polishing Agent (1)
Teal Wax (5)
Dust of the Void (2)

Taught by: Charpinoe
Zone: Goboro Reef
Taught by: Billows
Zone: Draumheim


Refined Thalcrystal Amulet

Bind on equip Neck Accessory
Intelligence +122 Wisdom +110 Endurance +169 Hit +100 Resist All +317 Guard +75
Item Level 525 Requires Level 65 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
This item can be upgraded into another item.
4 23 15
Upgraded from: Abiding Thalcrystal Amulet
Recipe: Refined Thalcrystal Amulet
Tradeskill: Artificer (450)

51 - 60 (2)60+ (1)

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