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Bolidium Weaponstone

Tradeskill : Weaponsmith

Difficulty : 480 490 510 525

Bolidium Weaponstone

Weaponsmith (480)

Bolidium Bar (4)
Xarthian Fiber (2)
Blackthorn Varnish (1)

Taught by: Brava Batalanto
Zone: Tempest Bay
Taught by: Cerulean Steel
Zone: Draumheim

Bolidium Weaponstone

Use: Physical critical strikes have a chance to deal an extra 2500 damage for 4 hours. Use: Physical critical strikes have a chance to deal an extra 2500 damage.
Item Level 1 Requires Item Level 475 Usable on Two Handed 85
Recipe: Bolidium Weaponstone
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (480)

51 - 60 (1)60+ (1)

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