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Damascus Shiv

Tradeskill : Weaponsmith

Difficulty : 150 160 170 180

Damascus Shiv

Weaponsmith (150)

Steel Bar (2)
Heavy Leather (1)
Shifting Planar Dust (3)

Merchant: Eulalia Althar
Zone: Meridian
Merchant: Rutzenz
Zone: Sanctum
Price: 68


Damascus Shiv

Bind on equip One Hand Dagger
Damage per second: 31.7 40-74 damage every 1.8 sec
Dexterity +15 Endurance +6 Physical Crit +6
Item Level 34 Requires Level 32 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 76)
3 37
Recipe: Damascus Shiv
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (150)

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