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Dark Iron Helm

Tradeskill : Armorsmith

Difficulty : 300 301 302 305

Dark Iron Helm

Armorsmith (300)

Cinerium Bar (6)
Imbued Leather (4)
Bolt of Spiritweave (4)
Minor Catalyst (2)
Major Flux (1)
Eternal Planar Dust (2)

Dropped by: Caelia the Stormtouched
Zone: Charmer's Caldera (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: <1%

Dark Iron Helm

Bind on equip Helmet Plate
Armor: 994 Strength +30 Dexterity +22 Endurance +12 Attack Power +10 Physical Crit +18 Hit +13
Item Level 73 Requires Level 50 Calling: Warrior Runebreakable (Runecrafter 226)
18 55
Recipe: Dark Iron Helm
Tradeskill: Armorsmith (300)

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