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Prophetic Philter of Restoration

Tradeskill : Apothecary

Difficulty : 525 530 535 540

Prophetic Philter of Restoration

Apothecary (525)

Set of Crystal Flasks (1)
Faecap Extract (10)
Xarthian Extract (8)
Alkaline Blend (2)

Taught by: Arnie the Nose
Zone: Draumheim
Taught by: Ekrana Fajron
Zone: Tempest Bay

Prophetic Philter of Restoration

Use: Heals party and raid members for 36000 health over 30 seconds.
Item Level 1800 Requires Level 70 45
Recipe: Prophetic Philter of Restoration
Tradeskill: Apothecary (525)

51 - 60 (1)60+ (1)

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