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Detailed Sarfiber Spellstaff

Tradeskill : Artificer

Difficulty : 450 453 454 455

Detailed Sarfiber Spellstaff

Artificer (450)

Fused Sarfiber (24)
Thalasite Crystal (6)
Anhydrous Polishing Agent (4)
Teal Wax (3)
Dust of the Void (3)
Ornament Amender (3)

Taught by: Charpinoe
Zone: Goboro Reef
Taught by: Billows
Zone: Draumheim


Detailed Sarfiber Spellstaff

Bind on equip Two Handed Staff
Damage per second: 479.2 1006-1869 damage every 3.0 sec
Intelligence +358 Wisdom +263 Endurance +262 Hit +200 Spell Power +2995 Spell Critical Hit +282
Equip: Grants a chance for your damaging Critical Hits to deal an additional 0 to 0 Water damage.
Item Level 525 Requires Level 65 Calling: Cleric Mage Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
This item can be upgraded into another item.
4 23 15
Upgraded from: Fine Sarfiber Spellstaff
Recipe: Detailed Sarfiber Spellstaff
Tradeskill: Artificer (450)

51 - 60 (2)60+ (1)

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