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Callous Blade

Tradeskill : Weaponsmith

Difficulty : 300 301 302 305

Callous Blade

Weaponsmith (300)

Cinerium Bar (6)
Jagged Lightstone (1)
Sparkling Crystal (1)
Premium Grinding Stone (1)
Minor Catalyst (1)
Eternal Planar Dust (2)

Dropped by: Mordant Warlock
Zone: Foul Cascade (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: <1%
Dropped by: Krasimir Barionov
Zone: Foul Cascade (Expert) (Expert)
Drop rate: <1%


Callous Blade

Bind on equip One Hand Sword
Damage per second: 67.6 99-185 damage every 2.1 sec
Strength +24 Dexterity +28 Attack Power +12 Hit +13
Item Level 73 Requires Level 50 Calling: Warrior Rogue Mage Runebreakable (Runecrafter 226)
22 86
Recipe: Callous Blade
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (300)

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