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Pugilist's Signet

Tradeskill : Artificer

Difficulty : 300 301 302 305

Pugilist's Signet

Artificer (300)

Cinerium Bar (2)
Jagged Lightstone (1)
Shimmering Core (1)
Eternal Planar Dust (2)
Superior Polishing Agent (1)

Merchant: Quartermaster Kemar
Zone: Shimmersand
Merchant: Desma Narn
Zone: Meridian
Price: 4
Faction: Dragonslayer Covenant (Honored)

Pugilist's Signet

Bind on equip Ring Accessory
Strength +23 Dexterity +13 Attack Power +8 Resist All +68
Item Level 67 Requires Level 50 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 226)
17 12
Recipe: Pugilist's Signet
Tradeskill: Artificer (300)

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