| Unstable Shimmersand Complete these unstable artifact collection sets in Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 100 | Shimmersand Stabilizer |
| Windswept Complete achievements in Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 30 | Lord of the Desert |
| Artifacts of Shimmersand Complete these artifact collection sets in Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 20 | |
| A Classic Treasure Find and solve the puzzle in Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 15 | Treasure Hunter |
| Cave In Help the mayor's aide in Fortunes Shore with their most wanted list. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 15 | |
| Cultures of the Desert Collect all artifacts related to the culture of the people of Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 15 | |
| Stalking the Sands Hunt and kill 3 of the rare creatures of Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 15 | |
| Banishing the Mirage Aid the residents of Shimmersand by completing 136 quests. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 10 | |
| Desert Nomad Explore all of Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 10 | |
| Dethroning the Desert Queen Gather many of your friends and confront Akala at the Stone Nexus | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 10 | |
| Living on the Edge Win one round of the underground Cockatrice Matches hidden in Fortune's Shore. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 10 | The Lucky |
| Lord of Illusion Complete the quest Damage Control in Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 10 | The Magician |
| Tarnish the Maw Challenge and kill Hazeed. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 10 | |
| Cave Diving Dive deep into the caves of Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 5 | |
| Doing Time Find out what is going on in the Flatyard. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 5 | |
| Dragon Cult Annihilation Kill 1,000 cultists from any of the dragon cults. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 5 | |
| Falling for Fortune Jump from the Rock Bridge. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 5 | |
| Simply Messing About in Boats Visit the barges and wrecks of Shimmersand. | RIFT > Shimmersand |  | 5 | |