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The Battle for Port Scion

Type : Warfront

Required level : 50

Number of players : 20-40

Port Scion was once the jewel of the east, the largest and most prosperous of all Mathosian cities, a melting pot of cultures, and a treasure trove of magic and knowledge. Its fall to the treachery of Alsbeth ended any hope of cooperation between the Guardians and the Defiants. Now the armies of the most powerful Ascended clash for control of the last district unconquered by Ithluk of the Endless Court. Victory is achieved by reaching 1000 points, defeating the enemy commander, or having the highest point total when time expires. The enemy commander may be weakened by destroying enemy emplacements. Points are awarded for gathering Sourcestone or defeating members of the Endless Court. Completing quests will grant your team reinforcements.

Epic (1)Rare (5)
Warrior (3)Mage (1)Rogue (1)

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