Maintain the Parade Floats - An Apothecary's Skills

Niveau : 15

Zone : Baie de la Tempête

Début : Gydur

Fin : Aenycha

Répétable : Quotidien (Quotidien)
 Perles en verre

Monnaie : 3 94

XP : 1710

Maintain the Parade Floats - An Apothecary's Skills

Use the Traveling Apothecary's Kit at the cart near the Parade Grounds outside of Sanctum to turn 5 Helium Blossoms into an Eternal Bond Epoxy.


Would you mind helping Aenycha and I maintain the parade floats? We could really use the skills of an Apothecary. We need one to make a new Eternal Bond Epoxy to hold the floats together. Do you have the time to make one for us?


Thanks for the Eternal Bond Epoxy! Talk to Gydur again if you want to keep helping us maintain the floats.

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