Veist has a good plan for defeating these Gedlo, but it involves the goblins attacking us. With your help he has united all the camps and inspired them into a fighting force Thedeor himself would be proud of. But an army will degrade over time, even if it's not fighting. Especially if it's not fighting.
We need to goad the goblins into attacking us, here in Saint Taranis. You should invade the smaller groups around the Badlands and take their banners back here. Goblins tend towards overconfidence already, let's anger them into attacking us at the height of our readiness. I will organize the kobolds so they will be ready when the horde you goaded attacks. Good luck.
Well done, [%NAME]. They can see the banners and their pride won't let them delay much longer. We should prepare for an attack at any moment. Veist's preparations for the dragon are complete. I have assembled his troops. We have ensured that the battle will happen on our terms.