Chasing the Wind

Уровень : 50

Начинает : Неизвестно

Заканчивает : Лорд-защитник Нервал

 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 42

Опыт : 6720

Chasing the Wind

Use the Portal Keystone in the Crystal Depths to activate the portal and change destinations. Search the various portal destinations for some indication of Chekaroth's whereabouts.
  • Search for a clue to Chekaroth's whereabouts
  • Kill Cryxus


This Portal Keystone opens gateways to far off places. There's no telling where it goes, but it seems likely Chekaroth would make use of such an artifact. Perhaps Chekaroth, or a clue to his whereabouts, is just beyond one of these portal destinations.


I have had most of my men out in that blasted snow searching for Chekaroth, and yet it appears he was often here under my very nose thanks to those blasted portals! And now he has slipped my grasp once more. We must put an end to this traitor, [%NAME]!

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