A Mind Unsettled

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Залив Бурь

Начинает : Сирил Келмар

Заканчивает : Аша Катари

Изменения репутации :
+90 (EN) Pelagic Order

Деньги : 65 29

Опыт : 103785

A Mind Unsettled

While under the delusion of Lord Arak, you mistakenly did battle against Asha Catari and Cyril Kalmar. Now you must wait until the next installment of the Nightmare Saga to discover the consequences.


It sounds as if the Purgav you dealt with was, at times, a hallucination or dream created by Lord Arak. If you hadn't snapped out of the dream-state, our fight might have turned deadly, splitting apart the Empyreal Alliance. Collect your thoughts, Ascended - you obviously haven't been yourself. We will resume this conversation once your mind is more settled.


We have yet to receive a full accounting of your actions, [%Name]. From the reports we received from the Plane of Water - wait! Something is coming.

Xarou - 8 лет назад
Start of the Nightmare Saga Act II Previous Nightmare Scenario Next Deadly Dreams

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