The Bloodfire Army

Уровень : 60

Зоны : Риф Гоборо

Начинает : Quintarus

Заканчивает : Quintarus

Выберите одну из следующих наград :
 Reclaimer's Coif
 Reclaimer's Hood of the Sea
 Crown of the Sea Reclaimer
 Sea Reclaimer's Helm

Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Atragarians

Деньги : 1 14 52

Опыт : 357210

The Bloodfire Army

Quintarus wants you to defend the Temple of Ranri from the Bloodfire Army, then destroy their Bloodfire Fissures.


Ascended, Draum's reclamation of the water from this sea is not the sole problem threatening Goboro. Conquerors from the infernal realms, the Bloodfire Army, have taken advantage of our trouble and invaded. Without the water surrounding our reef, we have lost the elemental defense it provides. The Bloodfire seek to control our points of tidal power to flood our realm with hellfire. Our reports indicate their commanding admiral is leading a force to these positions right now. You must hurry, [%NAME].


Thank you, [%NAME]. We would have been defeated had it not been for your intervention. We are in your debt. Your experience with invaders of flame has been more than others could have dreamed for us.

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