Might of the Icewatch

Уровень : 32

Зоны : Сосновый Хребет

Начинает : Сирил Келмар
Брат Иевия

Заканчивает : Master-at-Arms Ramos

 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 18 82

Опыт : 4320

Might of the Icewatch

Cyril Kalmar wants you to earn the trust of the Icewatch.
  • Complete the Icewatch quest "Keepers of the Storm"
  • Complete the Icewatch quest "Guest Instructor"
  • Speak with the Lord-Protector of the Icewatch when you have Decorated notoriety with the Icewatch


[%NAME], I have a difficult mission of critical importance. In the frozen reaches of Iron Pine Peak, the ancient order of the Icewatch has existed for more than a thousand years, predating even the Eth Empire. They sit on a wealth of knowledge regarding our enemies, the dragons of the Blood Storm, and could prove valuable allies. I need you to travel to their headquarters, the Chancel of Labors, and see what you can do to earn their trust.


Ah, [%NAME], the Lord-Protector told me to expect you. Your organization is undoubtedly powerful, but is secondary when compared to the resolve and faith of the Icewatch. If you were to participate in our initiation rites, you would see the truth of the matter.

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