Secret of the Sands

Уровень : 50

Зоны : Мерцающие Пески

Начинает : Олмос Охотник

Заканчивает : Лорд-защитник Нервал

 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 42

Опыт : 6720

Secret of the Sands

Olmos the Delver suggests that you hurry to Harlan's Lament in the Droughtlands. There, in an ancient holy site atop the massive, wind-carved rock, lies a copy of the knowledge Chekharoth was seeking.


Olmos sees the White Dragon's plot. It is not clever, but perilous enough. The Dragon seeks to free the air spirit Yor, the madness of the storm, to scour the lands of the fleshlings as it did during the Age of Dragons. Olmos knows where to find the same knowledge which the White Dragon holds. The Dragon's gaolers can make use of this.


This is most dire news, [%NAME]. According to legend, Yor is a fury that not even Crucia could fully control. Instead, she aimed Yor on a path and watched the kingdoms of men tremble. Yor cannot be allowed to return to our world!

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