My friend! Come with me if you would. I would show you the land of the Gedlo. It is not that good. That is why we call them the Badlands. But my penitent people, who follow a sainted kobold named Taranis, need the help of an Ascended, a hero such as yourself.
There is a prophecy we must break, goblins to fight, monsters to slay, and maybe a puzzle or two that needs solving. What more could you hope for?
Saint Taranis is our refuge. A city that sprouts in the desert like a wonderful flower fertilized by the blood of our enemies. Here we hold off the teeming hordes of Gedlo Goblins, as we try to find the penitent path to salvation.
We should have long ago lit the fires at the center of Saint Taranis and gone home. But you know, that star fell upon us and now we are quite trapped.