The Storm Queen Rises

Уровень : 50

Зоны : Сосновый Хребет

Начинает : Королева Миела

Заканчивает : Lord-Protector Nimto

Выберите одну из следующих наград :
 Stormforged Spellblade
 Stormforged Cleaver
 Stormforged Scepter
 Stormforged Stiletto

Вы также получите :
 Комплект брони Легиона бурь
 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+1500 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 71 16

Опыт : 71344

The Storm Queen Rises

Enter the Exodus of the Storm Queen dungeon and defeat Chekaroth.
  • Enter the Exodus of the Storm Queen dungeon and defeat Chekaroth


The traitor you have been seeking, Chekaroth, is trying to free Crucia from her prison, Ascended! This must not be! Go to where she is entombed and stop him from freeing her, before all is lost.


You fought well, Ascended. Crucia may be loosed upon the world, but with her minions culled we may yet be able to stop her. That said, much reflection must now be given to what role the Icewatch should play. Our sacred charge is fled; my duty failed. You should pursue the Storm Queen into these new lands while we pick up the pieces here.

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