Stop the Guardians

Уровень : 1

Зоны : Мерцающие Пески

Начинает : Stratego Iakale

Заканчивает : Stratego Iakale

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

Деньги : 19

Опыт : 900

Stop the Guardians

Stratego Iakale has asked you to stop the attacks on Defiants by killing 10 Guardian Players.
  • Kill 10 Guardian Players


Greetings, [%NAME]. We've been getting reports from all over of Guardian interference. It started as just hooligans causing trouble, but now I've got reports of Ascended actually attacking our people. We need your help. We can handle the majority of threats, but I need you to take care of their Ascended; they are beyond our ability.


Thanks for the help, [%NAME]. I don't know what we would have done without an Ascended on our side. We are glad to have your aid.

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