Bad Behavior

Уровень : 65

Начинает : Winachuk Maguk

Заканчивает : Winachuk Maguk

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Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Pelagic Order

Деньги : 97 93

Опыт : 157080

Bad Behavior

Use the Move-Along item on Bogling Workers to bring them to the Employee Containment Field. The device may trigger hostility, which can be useful to the relocation process.


I brought those boglings from the Dusken wilds and I'll send them back if I have to! Enough of my service constructs are operational that I don't need them anymore. I've rounded up the slower ones, but the rest are too quick. Use this Move-Along to bring them here. Nothing will ruin the Carnival of the Ascended on my watch!


Kwip claims that the Gurgs were causing all the trouble, but a bogling's a bogling, as far as I'm concerned. Now that they've finished building my construct workforce, who needs them?

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