Stealing From Thieves

Уровень : 12

Зоны : Свободные Равнины


Изменения репутации :
+350 Стражи Свободных Равнин

Деньги : 2 78

Опыт : 1440

Stealing From Thieves

Gather Charged Sourcestones found near Todrin Estate to the southeast and deliver them to [%QUESTCOMPLETER] at Eliam Fields.


I'm afraid those cultists were using the fruits of our own labor in order to fuel their terrible magics. We need to get back the Charged Sourcestones that they stole and put them to good use in cleaning up the mess they have left us.


These Charged Sourcestones are critical to our experiments in Eliam Fields. If we're successful, our armies will never be short of rations. Thank you, [%Name].

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