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Уровень : 70

Зоны : Vostigar Peaks

Начинает : Scout Martin

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Изменения репутации :
+250 (EN) Uttila Resistance

Деньги : 7 34 72

Опыт : 3116400

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Place a tracking device into three Ahnket drills.


Ahnket, is resourceful if nothing else. She has transports for her simulacrum that burrow next to a location and leave without the targets being any the wiser. I think we can use them against her. Find some of these drills and kill the troops. Then place one of these tracking devices into it. With it, not only will we know when they are coming, but we can also detonate them. You must be quick though, as if it detects enemies it will try to escape.


The devices are away with the tracking devices securely in place. That should help the Legion thwart some of Ahnket plans to infiltrate the Legion ranks for a time.

bobalazs - 6 лет назад
In Vostigar Peaks find Scout Martin at 3471, 1990 for dailies.

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