Hammerknell Enigma

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Таркенский Ледник

Начинает : Orphiel Farwind

Заканчивает : Orphiel Farwind

Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Pelagic Order

Деньги : 1 30 57

Опыт : 274890

Hammerknell Enigma

To unravel the mystery of Lord Arak, journey to the Intrepid: Hammerknell Chronicle and confront the Aspect of Enigma.


Lord Arak is a creature of dreams, and his plots reveal an obsession with cataclysms in Telara's past. I assumed he had absorbed these terrors from those caught up in those perilous events, but now we know there are beings watching them, giving power to Arak's fixations. By searching for matching energy signatures from the Oculons we found, I have located these watchful Aspects in both time and space. Another exists within the ruins of Hammerknell, and it is there we must go next.


We now have the Enigmatic Core, yet the enigma itself still exists. What are these beings that give shape to the obsessions of Lord Arak, and are they many, or merely aspects of a single whole? I know that you know that I may know the answer to this riddle, but until certain, I must give silence to my theory. Too often have I caused misfortune by acting rashly, without knowing all possible outcomes. This time, things will be different.

Marguerite - 8 лет назад

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