Dreaming Darkly

Уровень : 60

Зоны : Залив Бурь

Начинает : Сирил Келмар

Заканчивает : Kira Thanos

Изменения репутации :
+2000 Рунная стража

Деньги : 70 57

Опыт : 14580

Dreaming Darkly

Speak to Abbess Katia and ensure Cyril Kalmar's fears for her safety don't come true.
  • See to Abbess Katia's safety
  • Speak with Abbess Katia about the Assassination attempt
  • Confront Kira Thanos about the Assassination attempt
  • Inform Cyril Kalmar of the Assassination attempt
  • Speak with Asha Catari about Kira Thanos


[%NAME], know that I trust in you. My dreams of late are of a dark nature. Dark and foreboding. My faith in the Vigil tells me they are more than mere nightmares. Though I have spoken with Abbess Katia, she assures me that the Vigil has given no warnings to indicate any of us are in peril. I pray that my interpretation of the Vigil's will is mistaken. But if it is not, then it will be your light that casts back this darkness. Speak with Katia and make certain she is safe.


Looks like you and I have a lot to talk about, huh, Guardian? Let's just get one thing straight before we start. I don't -want- to help you, I'm doing this because I want to help my people. It's not just Katia who almost died today. So we get to the bottom of this and then we split. Now, about my dreams. There was a voice. Somehow familiar. It warned me about Sylver Valis being in danger, and it spoke another name too...

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