The first to discover these prophecies of doom and destruction were the kobolds of Camp Inevitability. To live in the Plane of Fire means that you are constantly assaulted by visions, prophecies, portents, and signs. I blame Aia. Apparently she was a jealous, vengeful goddess who liked to to immolate her enemies.
But Camp Inevitability is of the opinion that once a prophecy exists, it will happen. One cannot fight fate. But you, my friend, are a mortal hero. They are the ones that have the ability to break these prophecies and reshape the direction of fate, or so I have heard. Let us go and prove this to them.
Camp Inevitability is back in Saint Taranis. Once more we hear the arguments over textual interpretations of vaguely worded, intentionally misleading text. But now, thanks to you, if we don't like it we can just destroy it all. Now the banished goddess and the Oracle can learn what it is like to not know what tomorrow will bring.
You do not think that this curious and infuriating ability you posses was the reason that Aia turned from the rest of the Vigil and now seeks to eradicate your kind from the Cosmos? I know I am not overly fond of Yorgen, that pup who takes joy in defacing my sand paintings. Ahh well, a mystery for later.