Recluse Wrangling

Уровень : 52

Зоны : Раскаленный Остров

Начинает : Кебнер Агалан

Заканчивает : Кебнер Агалан

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

 Мешочек с наградами Раскаленного Острова

Изменения репутации :
+250 Блюстители

Деньги : 33 85

Опыт : 5490

Recluse Wrangling

Kebner Agalan has asked you to disturb a recluse nest and wrangle a Spindrel Recluse. While on the mount, feed it until it becomes sated, then return it to Kebner Agalan.


We have a situation, [%NAME]. I made the mistake of lending my prized Spindrel to a new recruit and let's just say it didn't return in one piece. I need you to help me get a new one so I can continue working in the field.


He's perfect! I shall call him Webley. I don't think I've used that name yet. Anyway, no more lending out my possessions for me. I hope it wasn't too much trouble.