Shi-ming Rustle

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Планарные Дебри

Заканчивает : Naiz Bat

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

 Void Stone

Изменения репутации :
+250 (EN) Shal Korva

Деньги : 3 83 78

Опыт : 274890

Shi-ming Rustle

Naiz Bat wants you to help Malyn Torol protect her sheep, while pretending to commit the cool crime of rustling.
  • Collect a herd of Shi-Ming Sheep from Malyn Torol
  • Retrieve Malyn's sheep and deliver them to Khorn


Malyn helps out the shepherds in the area. There's predators, bandits, cliffs to fall in, life is tough for the working bahmi, and the sheep I guess. Malyn is always looking for hardy types to escort the sheep out to the shepherds. And if you pretended you were stealing them, I don't think she'd mind.


You let the sheep get away from you. But you managed to gather them up and deliver them. It's the results that count.

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