Inner Flames

Уровень : 61

Зоны : Риф Гоборо

Начинает : Finric

Заканчивает : Commander Satoth

Выберите одну из следующих наград :
 Coral Fire Mace
 Coral Fire Chopper
 Coral Great Hammer
 Staff of Coral Fire
 Coral Fire Breaker

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 Рецепт: Краска для водных ландшафтов

Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Atragarians

Деньги : 1 24 93

Опыт : 368235

Inner Flames

Finric wants you to enter Gyel Fortress and foil Lady Glasya's plot to destroy Goboro Reef.
  • Enter the Houndry
  • Halt Lady Glasya's efforts to flamescape Goboro Reef


All right, Mammal. The path is clear, because we've cut down everyone that stood in our way. Let's enter the Gyel Fortress and deal with this Glasya devil. We'll show her that Goboro isn't her chum, no matter how many balls of unnatural power she brings with her. We're the big fish, you and me. We've never failed! Can the daughter of the king of all devils be that much more powerful? I may be puffing myself up a bit to overcome the dread creeping up my cartilage for the first time ever.


You and your skelf sidekick have saved Goboro Reef, [%NAME]. We who live here still have much work to do driving the Bloodfire Army out of Gyel for good, but we're no longer in imminent danger of burning to death on the ocean floor. And for that, we thank you. Our ancestors once tried to become like you, so it's a favorite pastime among the Ghar to speculate as to what being an Ascended would be like. We often get in scholarly arguments about power levels, ability sets, and signature radiation. What we always overlook is that an Ascended would be willing to face true evil to save us all. Thank you, [%NAME]. We are all in your debt.