Rite of the Forge

Уровень : 32

Зоны : Сосновый Хребет

Начинает : Лорд-защитник Нервал

Заканчивает : Лорд-защитник Нервал

 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 18 82

Опыт : 4320

Rite of the Forge

To forge your weapon, you must collect Blood Iron Ore from the Blood Iron Pools, Rough Windstone from Air Rifts that grant experience, and an Aqueous Aether from Aqueous Vortices within the Crystal Depths. To summon Vortices in the Crystal Depths, smash the Infused, Charged, and Unstable Shards within the cave.


If you are going to fight by our side against the minions of Crucia, you will need a weapon worthy of the task. The weapons forged here are renowned for their quality, but our imbued weapons are things of legend. Forging such a weapon is a personal journey, binding the blade to the one that made it. Such an extraordinary weapon requires extraordinary materials - Blood Iron Ore from the Blood Iron Pools northwest of Whitefall, Rough Windstone from Air Rifts, and Aqueous Aether from Aqueous Vortices within the Crystal Depths. Good luck, [%NAME]


Well done, [%NAME]. Your trials have been completed, and the materials have been gathered - your journey on the path of the Icewatch is all but complete.

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