Nightmare Scenario

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Риф Гоборо

Начинает : Purgav

Заканчивает : Сирил Келмар

 Aspect of Nightmares

Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Pelagic Order

Деньги : 1 30 57

Опыт : 274890

Nightmare Scenario

Purgav has warned of an imminent attack against Asha Catari and Cyril Kalmar. Take Purgav's portal to Tempest Bay and kill the assassins.
  • Take Purgav's portal to Tempest Bay
  • Confront Atho and Cryrro
  • Defeat Atho and Cryrro
  • Face Lord Arak
  • Take the Portal to Tempest Bay


I have dire news! I've been analyzing the sabotage to the Memory Retriever and discovered it's transmitting orders to assassins in Tempest Bay. They plan to kill Asha and Cyril, crippling the Empyreal Alliance! You must go immediately to kill Atho and Cryrro before it's too late. I will open a portal to take you there directly. Strike fast while there is still time!


Is this treachery, or delusion, [%NAME]? The power you wielded seemed enhanced by another force. We heard you raving about Lord Arak - is he behind this?

Xarou - 8 лет назад

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