Terrible Town

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Планарные Дебри

Начинает : Uureg

Заканчивает : Uureg

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Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Shal Korva

Деньги : 1 56 69

Опыт : 412335

Terrible Town

Uureg wants you to keep Khar out of trouble in the keep for just a little while.


Great One! It's a grand day to be in the Wilds isn't it? I was just having a conversation with the Vulcanist of Ovog, she's a fiery young acolyte who has some thoughts about what to do with Teth Dalchid. She thinks we might be able to break the Great Wheel in our lifetime. That's an expression we say, we mean that we can end the curse the demon has placed on our land. Khar may indeed go down in history as the greatest of Titans. So just... keep him out of trouble a little longer. Would that be possible?


Great One. I... While you were away, Teth Dalchid- He killed the prison guards. He stole the great scrolls of Shal Korva. He's escaped. We are undone.

Zhea - 9 лет назад
Step 3: Investigate Woe. You are looking for green fog/vapor clouds around Woe. Step 7: Babaroo Rampage. Run around town using the quest item on NPCs until you find enough that turn hostile. Kill them.
mikenowo - 9 лет назад
Step 3: These may be random, but two that I found were garbage nests (at 9400, 4880 and 9340, 4920). and barrels at 9345, 4860 covered in green fog.
AlterMind - 6 лет назад
Step 7: the Newcomers are the ones you want to focus to turn into Babaroos.

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