Breaking Through

Уровень : 70

Начинает : Jinan Tawniks

Заканчивает : Jinan Tawniks

Повторяемое : Еженедельно (Еженедельно)

Выберите одну из следующих наград :
 Tower Fragment
 Ethereal Shard
 Legion Datagrams

Вы также получите :
 Celestial Remnant
 Phenomenal Sparkle Cache
 Faelight Sparkle Cache

Деньги : 3 56 20

Опыт : 6900600

Breaking Through

Collect Boughs of Tranquility from the Cracking Xarth's Skull Zone Event in the Celestial Lands.


Time and again our enemies rise up to foment war and mayhem in the Celestial Lands. We need heroes like you to stop their constant assaults. Please, defeat the aggressors in Xarth's Skull, and bring back Boughs of Tranquility as a symbol that peace will always be victorious.


These Boughs of Tranquility are a symbol of peace in these troubled times. Thank you for your service to the Celestial Lands.

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