Rite of the Mind

Уровень : 32

Зоны : Сосновый Хребет

Начинает : Лучезарная Йентия

Заканчивает : Лучезарная Йентия
 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 18 82

Опыт : 4320

Rite of the Mind

Collect and study the Annals that can be found within the Chancel library. Once you have studied the Annals, prepare for the exam at the Icewatch Study Podium and then report to Archivist Aristoi to be tested on the material.
  • Mentally prepare for the exam at the Icewatch Study Podium
  • Answer Archivist Aristoi's question correctly


In the Icewatch, our wits need to remain as sharp as our blades. We of the Icewatch spend our lives in study, immersed in a history stretching back over fifteen-hundred years. You can begin by familiarizing yourself with some of the Annals located here. When you feel you are mentally prepared, return here to speak with Archivist Aristoi. There will be a test.


Very good, Ascended. Are you ready for your last challenge?

Ifreet - 10 лет назад
Yea... unusual type of quest ehh? Well, that's why we love this game. Here are answers: Q: Who was the first to bear the title of Champion? A: Vachir Altan Q: How was Warlord Borte related to another great Telaran leader? A: She was the daughter of the Bahmi Shalastir leader Q: Who fixed into place the keystone to Crucia’s prison? A: Phynnious Rothmann Q: What famous marksman came from the village of Whitefall? A: Gisa Malik Q: Who was the last of the Valnir clan to fall when the Storm Legion swept through Iron Pine Peak? A: Ekkehard Valnir Q: Gisa Malik became renown for her skills as a what? A: Marksman Q: Who was the general leading the forces that took the Storm Legion strongholds here in the Iron Pine Peaks? A: Warlord Borte Q: Who was beaten and left for dead in the snow by the Storm Legion before being granted Shamanistic power through his faith in Thedeor? A: Ekkehard Valnir Q: Who were Phynnious Rothmann’s people? A: The Northman tribes of Mathosia Q: Who slew Crucia’s whelp Arconis, known as the Bane of Kerenton? A: Vachir Altan

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