We should get him out of that crate. It can't be good for him to be trapped in there after that conk on the head you gave him.
But it will be all right. He'll be relieved he doesn't have to give up his life for no reason. Then we just need to find a way to get him out of the Wilds. But one step at a time, right Ascended?
Ascended! I know that Zal means well. But by disrupting the ceremony she has put the Wilds in great danger. Powerful primal magic was placed upon me when I became Keeper. It prevented that demon Teth from finding me. But now... I was supposed to be dead! Is the Radiance of our people that I have been hiding exposed? If Teth kills me, then the wilds is doomed.
I need your help, Ascended. I need your protection. Until I can find my proper death.