Playing Doctor

Уровень : 70

Зоны : Vostigar Peaks

Начинает : Scout Arianna

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Изменения репутации :
+250 (EN) Uttila Resistance

Деньги : 7 34 72

Опыт : 3116400

Playing Doctor

Tamper with Storm Legion Rejuvenators.
  • Tamper with Storm Legion Rejuvenators


Crucia's army has grown to be quite sizeable. We can't possibly kill all of them, but there are other ways to shrink her numbers. We've recently commandeered some of Ahnket's experimental chemicals. Replace the fluids in the Storm Legion Rejuvenators with some of this, and watch the Storm Legion wounded become combat ineffective.


With the Storm Legion wounded becoming ravenous zombies, this should keep Crucia's forces in check for a little while.

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