Planar Menace

Уровень : 1

Зоны : Обитель

Начинает : Brigadier Andan

Заканчивает : Brigadier Andan

Planar Menace

Brigadier Andan has asked you to travel just outside of Meridian and kill the planar beings Fire Lord As'tano and Earth Lord Vorzet.


Ascended, the forces arrayed against us are overwhelming. We've already lost many soldiers in the fight., but with your aid we can push back this threat. We need your might to defeat Fire Lord As'tano and Earth Lord Vorzet. We can mop up their minions.


Good work, [%NAME]. We can already see a difference. With the help of the Ascended we'll send these invaders back to their Dragon Gods in Mount Carcera.

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