A Gathering Storm

Уровень : 35

Зоны : Сосновый Хребет

Начинает : Лорд-защитник Нервал

Заканчивает : Неизвестно

 Void Stone
 Чистая кристальная ясность

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор

Деньги : 22 5

Опыт : 4680

A Gathering Storm

Lord-Protector Nerval wants you to enter the Crystal Depths southeast of The Chancel of Labors, slay the renegade scribes, and look for any evidence that may lead you to Chekaroth.
  • Kill Scribe Lakul
  • Kill Scribe Nychea


Ever since our scriptkeeper, Chekaroth, betrayed his vows to our order and revealed himself a traitor in the service of Crucia, we have been searching for him with little success. However, we might finally have a break. Some of my men spotted a few scribes that once worked in the scriptorium under Chekaroth entering a cave southeast of here. We would have pursued, but the cave appears to be strongly held by seasoned warriors of the Storm Legion. This must be a major cult stronghold, maybe even the lair of Chekaroth himself!


With the lightest touch, the orb comes alive with color. Nearby, a magical portal flashes into existence! Vague hints of far-off locations flash past in the glow while the orb cycles through a rainbow of colored glows, only settling on a color and location when all touch is removed.

Sharisstra - 7 лет назад
I got this quest at 46. Getting in the cave was a peace of cake (mobs level 31). But the 2 guys you have to kill are level 50! Furthermore, when you engage them, 2 rogues spawn who make your abilities not accessible for like 5 or more seconds. By the time I could hit again, I was almost dead and had no chance to survive. This quest should not be given to players at level 46 unless you can go with a group.
Strigeidida - 6 лет назад
It's listed as a level 35 quest, and makes NO mention of being a multiplayer quest. As you mentioned, the targets are level 50 and have rogue spawns. This really needs to be fixed.
defcultist - 5 лет назад
it is just a quest to give you incentive to level to 50 i was able to lure one of the scribes away but couldn't take him down, at level 39 asking for help may be a way of doing it early

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