Alliz'dog vs. Arhtom

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Планарные Дебри

Начинает : Lithim

Заканчивает : Lithim

Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Shal Korva

Деньги : 97 93

Опыт : 157080

Alliz'dog vs. Arhtom

Find out what has become of Lithim's father, and if necessary, complete his task of slaying Alliz'dog.


My father is a great hunter, the best in the wilds. He became a hunter because our village keeps getting destroyed by the cursed Alliz'dog. Recently he found that Alliz'dog has an enemy known as Arhtom. He believed that if he could force the two into a direct confrontation, he could help Arhtom kill Alliz'dog for good. But that was several weeks ago and I have grown worried. Please find my father and if he has failed, please complete his task to save our people.


I heard Alliz'dog's death cry from here. As my father is not with you, I can assume my fears are validated. While I will miss him greatly, he shall receive a place of honor among the ancestors. Thank you for slaying Alliz'dog, our people will be safer because of it.

zsazsa - 8 лет назад
quest givers at 10484 7277

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