Hinder Crucia: The Maze of Steel

Уровень : 70

Зоны : Vostigar Peaks

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Изменения репутации :
+250 (EN) Uttila Resistance

Деньги : 7 34 72

Опыт : 3116400

Hinder Crucia: The Maze of Steel

Complete daily quests that hinder Crucia in the Maze of Steel.
  • Find Scout Tygus
  • Complete daily quests that hinder Crucia


The Storm Legion are becoming much too strong at The Maze of Steel. We've gotten reports that Crucia is about to make a major push against Ahnket that could break her army. You need to stop this or Crucia will steamroll over whatever is left of Ahnket's army, and then over us. Talk to Scout Tygus at the Maze of Steel. He'll know the situation and be able to advise you how to even the odds.


It will take Crucia some time to recover from the blows you dealt her today. Well done, [%NAME].

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