
Уровень : 67

Зоны : Alittu

Заканчивает : Brokenfang

Повторяемое : Ежедневное (Ежедневное)

Изменения репутации :
+250 (EN) Saint Taranis

Деньги : 6 34 67

Опыт : 2895900


Brokenfang wants you to scan for Ahnket simulacrums among the Alittan mages outside Alittu and destroy them.
  • Idenitfy and Eliminate Ahnket simulacrums


Alittan mages sometimes smell funny, sometimes not. Nice smelling Alittan mage said funny smelling ones are not who they say they are. He said the tower made, "some, like you, crumbs". I do not understand, just know that things tower makes are bad. Take this Alittu smelling device. It does not smell as well as us, but as you are lacking a keen nose, it will have to do. Find the bad smelling "crumbs" and destroy them.


You have eliminated Ahnket simulacrums hiding within the ranks of the Alittans. But how many more remain undiscovered? And do you dare tell them?

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