Matter and Form

Уровень : 60

Зоны : Морбан

Начинает : Agent Ronan

Заканчивает : Agent Ronan

 Вечное кристальное прозрение

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор
+480 Эмпирейский Альянс

Деньги : 1 4 11

Опыт : 154791


Ok, it looks like the weapon has been disassembled and the components distributed to various guards, presumably to hide it away from us. Luckily for us, discipline and organization are not their strong points. If this had been the Storm Legion, we might never have found a clue. This doesn't mean your task will be easy, [%NAME]. Each component is heavily guarded. I hope you are ready for a fight!


Very well done, [%NAME]. Queen Miela did well to place her faith in you. Now to figure out how this thing works... I don't suppose you happened to find an instruction manual when recovering these components?

k0ttheawes0me1 - 8 лет назад
Ekezia - 13107, 6416 on the second floor in the mansion
Staarlite - 8 лет назад
Yinerdor can be found in the Den of Kwell. The entrance is at loc 13847, 5047 (a bit far from the area shown on your map).
Xarou - 8 лет назад

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