A Tigress's Funeral

Уровень : 65

Зоны : Планарные Дебри

Начинает : Uureg

Заканчивает : Uureg

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Изменения репутации :
+200 (EN) Shal Korva

Деньги : 1 56 69

Опыт : 412335

A Tigress's Funeral

Uureg wants you to assist Khar in the performance of Usukhel's funeral.
  • Break Khar out of his Great Melancholy
  • Bear Usukhel to her funeral
  • Gather Mourners in Shal Korva
  • Lead the Funeral Procession
  • Help Khar give the eulogy
  • Confront Teth Shidten
  • Survive the Onslaught and kill Teth Shidten
  • Accept the Spear of the Wilds from Khar


The procession is about to begin. Since the Wilds were taken, the baac have been stealing our corpses from graves to swell their numbers in the Amachidan Olidos, the ascension machine. To prevent this we honor our dead by taking them to heights of the Ancestor Rocks, and call down beasts of prey from the sky to devour the corpses. In this way the spirits of the departed rise up to be with the Ancestors, while the corporeal body is prevented from being reanimated into one of our foes. Khar has asked that you lead the ceremony. I ask that you help him with his grief.


This is the Glaive of Shal Korva. Khar would never give this up unless he was... He's left the Wilds? To me? I ... I am not fit to be Titan. Neither was he, but I am just a functionary, an adviser, a courtier. I will hold this glaive as regent until a new Titan can prove themselves worthy. Ancestor's courage, if we are to break the Great Wheel, we need someone worthy.

Zhea - 9 лет назад
Step 4: Lead the Funeral Procession. If you lose your NPC followers, either by shard hopping or perhaps joining a warfront or conquest while on this step, this event will fail to start. You will have to abandon the quest and start over.
AlterMind - 6 лет назад
Well, I know, not really relevant to this. But I learned to kind of like Usukhel ! Her death was a loss. She will be remembered. :'(

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