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Nightmare V: Mortal Trauma

Level : 65

End : Zahana Ushah

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Illusory Mote
 Void Stone

Notoriety :
+250 The Ghar

Money : 3 83 78

XP : 274890

Nightmare V: Mortal Trauma

Zahana Ushah wants you to kill creatures in a Nightmare rift. They must grant experience in order to count.
  • Kill creatures in a Nightmare rift that grant experience


There is hope, you know. Though our minds are frail and subject to the weaknesses that allow nightmares to propagate, we can dedicate ourselves to something higher, focusing and strengthening our psyches. I choose Manugo, while you are an Ascended: an adept slayer of nightmares. Defeat the nightmares, and control your psyche.

Upon completion

You give us all hope, [%name]. We will follow your example.