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Workorder: Mandibles for the Order of Mathos

Level : 52

End : Quartermaster Savija

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)
Choose one of these rewards :
 Artisan's Mark
 Individual Reward Charge

You will also receive :
 Minor Ascended Reward Cache

Notoriety :
+400 Order of Mathos

Money : No value

XP : 0

Workorder: Mandibles for the Order of Mathos

Craft Soulbind Leather and collect Fanged Mandibles for Quartermaster Savija at Zareph's Return.


It looks like the Order of Mathos needs Soulbind Leather for repairing their war machines, and Fanged Mandibles for potions. They seem to like you, [%NAME]. Why don't you make the delivery?

Upon completion

Great! And just in time, too. The undead are a taxing enemy. Thank you for these supplies.