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The Magic of the Eth

Level : 50

Zone : Sanctum

Start : Veras

End : Veras

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

The Magic of the Eth

You imagine that Veras wants you to collect the thirteen gemmed keys of the Eth that were scattered throughout the Dunes of Akala, then activate the magitech that imprisons Thantotetia, and imbibe his Corrupting Fluids.


I always admired the Eth. They were a great people who had the courage and conviction to just keep disintegrating their cities until they perfected their reality distortion fields. But behind every mad sorcerer-king, towers a fifty foot colossus. In this case it was Thantotetia. I think the Eth used him to ensure a steady supply of chilled cucumber water. If you can find their thirteen gemmed keys you can let him out of the cyclotronic prison that holds him, and then imbibe the Corrupting Fluids that come with his death.

Upon completion

Delicious, isn't it? The fulfillment of this task and the gaining of the eldritch, evil power. Not the actual taste of the Corrupting Fluids, which I can only assume by your face, was like drinking the apocalypse. Well get used to it! If that's the worst thing you have to swallow in this bid for eldritch power you'll be the luckiest Tidelord in the Abyssal.